Wednesday, August 31, 2005

BLACK : Is There Light In Dark


Yup its aeons since the movie released, and innumerable reviews written and debated..!

I saw it a week back. On DVD. Primarily coz my earlier attempts to catch it on big screen always cancelled owing to lack of companions,or inappropriate knowledge of their schedules(read dates).

Finally I made it in my dark room.Alone.

BLACK was beautiful.

I was ever a critic for art, writing, movies and their offsprings and BLACK was a fantastic piece. However in lot respects it shook me.

I have always been the protagonist. It somehow resonates the complete feelings expressed when u travel through a movie. BLACK did that but somehow could not assimilate everything. Got me thinking that isnt the blindness represented only from the view of a man who has seen light..??

Blind have a world of their own..! A world of innocence. They are unknown to the fantasies of light as much as a year old baby to fancies of Integrals. While a baby learns this in course of time, unfortunately a blind never does. So where begins the concept of structure..??

Where the theories of dreams that are debated in her class when she knows of only one side of the debate..!!

Where is the concept of feeling sorry for herself being blind when she could possibly never understand blindness..!(Dont tell the BLACK BLACK wala crap...!! )

How could someone ever teach her that she is inferior to them preventing her from assuming that all world is similar..??

Reminds me of a story in my High School textbooks of a "Country of Blind" protected by hills which is one day accidentally visited by a dual-eyed-working guy. He notices strange customs like ppl working in nights coz it is cooler and sleeping in daytime like me. Blind ppl following smells as their paths(ants:)). He tries explaining sight to them but is always discarded as a lunatic coz he could never prove his ability. Finally, he falls for a beautiful blind gal, who was ugly and neglected with respects to others coz their definition of beauty comprised different facial parameters(maybe pimples) and sound. The marriage was proposed but the blind council accepted only after a solution to his lunaticism, which boiled down to his eyes(cause of stupid activities and claims) being removed.

Coming back,
Finally, maybe it is true that "Blind since Birth" is not actually "Looking from Closed Eyes".
They are probably different worlds. Like aliens, like different species, and one can probably never understand the other.

After all We write BLACK on white sheet. They write "X" on BLACK .

What is "X" ?? We might never comprehend...!!


Blogger saurav said...

Black is great......

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting attached to vision is the concept of structure?

4:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What can I say bout the movie??

It is just brilliant.

11:51 PM  
Blogger PuNeEt said...

thanks for dropping by my Blog...

Its a fantastic post...
Black is Beautiful...

thanks for sharing the story...
was wondering of a better end ;-)

take care

6:31 AM  
Blogger cipher said...

I saw Black almost six times! each time for different reasons though. Interesting thought on the "X". Shall try and find out more!

6:09 AM  
Blogger PuNeEt said...

update please

1:07 AM  
Blogger The Lil fairy & her angel friends said...

nd dunno y[:D]

5:35 AM  

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